Undergraduate Minor Degrees
十大菠菜网排行提供许多传统的辅修学位 campus students. Earned in conjunction with your major program, 大学辅修可以让你专注于你最感兴趣的学术领域,或者与你的专业相一致. Across GCU’s colleges, 你受到知识渊博的教师的密切关注, 在课堂环境中培养更高的道德和能力 Christian worldview.
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提高你的创新能力,从本科辅修 College of Arts and Media. 将你的激情与美术环境(如戏剧)所需的技术技能相结合, dance, digital design and more.
用你喜欢的业务领域的专业知识来补充你的专业. A minor within the Colangelo College of Business 提供了一种方法来获得额外的业务概念和工具,作为一个崭露头角的商业专业会计, business analytics, marketing and more.
提高你的创新能力,同时解决不同行业的复杂挑战 College of Engineering and Technology. When pursued alongside your primary degree, 辅修工程或技术可以提供一个途径,让你专注于一个与你的激情相一致的特定学术领域,或者补充你的主修课程.
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences specializes in minors that are industry informed. Consider a minor in Spanish, counseling, social work, criminal justice, case management, communication and more.
Whatever your focus, the College of Natural Sciences 提供本科辅修课程,以补充您的主要十大菠菜网排行. 这些辅修课程可以帮助你提供宝贵的实践经验和严格的课程,以帮助你的学术之旅,并为你未来在自然科学领域的努力做好准备.
1 Finley, A. (n.d.) How College Contributes to Workforce Success. Association of American Colleges and Universities. Retrieved on June 15, 2023.
- 确定你选择的本科学位是否可以接受辅修课程
- 确保辅修课程与你的主修课程不冲突
- 提交一份申请表格,为您预期的本科未成年人
- 探索你可以获得的奖学金或经济援助机会
学生有责任完成所选辅修课程的所有先决条件. 有关GCU辅修课程入学要求的更多详细信息,请参阅 University Policy Handbook.
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